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9 Easy Tips To Install Bermuda Grass In Your Lawn

If you are planning to install Bermuda sod in a new lawn but have no idea how to lay it, we have got you covered. Bermuda sod is known for its vibrant appearance and elegance. The sod adds aesthetic appeal and gives a lush green environment to your entire home. You can lay the sod by yourself, but it's better to consult professional landscapers in your area to avoid dead grass or any maintenance issues instantly. With the right knowledge and preparedness, installation becomes easy and effective. Below are some Bermuda sod installation tips that will help you lay the sod successfully.
Difference Between Bermuda Grass And Regular Grass

Difference Between Bermuda Grass And Regular Grass

Unlike normal grass which is a green, low-growing, non-woody plant, Bermuda grass is long, dense, and has dark-green leaves. Though commonly used by many homeowners as lawn grass, it is a common weed in Maryland. Bermuda grass is an invasive species and spreads rapidly, especially in warmer environments.

Bermuda grass is a popular choice for pastures, golf courses, coastal areas, and parks. Normal grass takes approximately 8-10 days to grow while Bermuda seeds start germinating between 14-21 days. Once grown, this grass spreads rapidly and if not controlled, can invade your neighbor’s lawn.

Is Bermuda Sod Installation Easy?

Bermuda sod installation is a little bit stressful for a new lawn. It involves a large investment of time and money. If you want to lay the sod by yourself, you have to prepare the site, lay and roll sod, spread fertilizers, and take proper care. So, make sure you know how to install sod in the new lawn so you can save your grass from dying out

What is the ⅓ Rule for Bermuda Grass?

The ⅓ rule says: “Never remove more than ⅓ of the leaf tissue at once.” This means if your lawn is 1 inch tall, then the best time to mow it again is as soon as it reaches a 1.5-inch height. Otherwise, you may damage the newly laid lawn and ruin your time and effort.

What is the ⅓ Rule for Bermuda Grass?

How To Lay Bermuda Grass Sod?

Test Your Soil

The first and foremost step of a successful Bermuda grass installation is testing your lawn’s soil. The soil’s health will determine the overall health of your sod. If your soil has bad or low pH, nutrients will not be absorbed by the grass. Ultimately, the grass will have reduced growth.

Laboratory analysis of the soil is generally affordable, but the process takes almost 2 weeks to complete depending on your location. Keep this timeframe in mind before sod installation so you know the quality of your soil and what it needs to promote healthy grass.

Choose the Right Bermuda Grass

Bermuda grass comes in various forms as calibration, bimini, NorthBridge, and Tohama 31. You can choose the one meeting the vegetative needs of your lawn. Remember,  soil vegetation varies depending on the state. If unsure, you can consult landscape experts to decide what type suits your lawn best.

Grass Maintenance

Before installing Bermuda grass, get proper knowledge about its maintenance. After all, you are going to invest your time and money in it. You must know what kind of fertilizers, watering, and mowing it requires to attain its full potential.

Measure Planting Area

Now is the time to know how much grass you need to order. You can use an area calculator to determine how many sod rolls you need for your lawn. Simply enter the length and width of your lawn, and the tool will give you the total number of sod rolls required along with the possible cost.

If you are unsure about calculations or have an irregularly shaped rod, it’s better to consult a landscape professional.

Bermuda Grass Sod measuring area
Sod Installation Watering Tips

Clear the Area

A clear area must be free of existing grass, debris, or vegetation. That is why you need to remove old grass before laying a new one. You can plow or rake the intended soil up to 6 inches deep. Use soil humus compost to make healthy grass before laying Bermuda grass. Spread the compost and flatten it for a smooth, clear area for sod installation. 

Selective vs Non-selective Herbicides

Non-selective herbicides kill all kinds of vegetation coming its way. Therefore, be cautious when applying it near trees or shrubs on your lawn. Contrary to this, selective herbicide kills only weeds. 

We recommend using a non-selective herbicide as it kills all the vegetation it interacts with- the basic requirement of new sod installation.

Remove and Kill Old Grass

  • Apply a layer of non-selective herbicide or glyphosate-based product to the grass you want to kill or remove.
  • Wait for 3-4 days and if the grass isn’t dying, apply a second layer.
  • Once the grass is dead, use a sod cutter to remove grass and debris.
  • Follow instructions and safety precautions for the grass-removing products used.

Prep Soil and Level

This step is extremely important as it helps new sod penetrate evenly and deeply into the soil. Deep roots make the grass denser, healthier, and drought-resistant. A denser lawn can better combat insect and disease attacks.

Follow these steps to prepare and level lawn soil:

  • Reduce compact soil with a hoe or rake.
  • Add organic mulch.
  • Smooth the soil surface to estimate how leveled the yard is.
  • Irrigate the soil with a sprinkler to help it settle more.
  • Smooth soil surface at the end.

Lay the Bermuda Sod

Starting with the borders, unroll Bermuda sod carefully to avoid any damage.Don’t step on sod during installation, or you may damage it. Flatten and wrinkle with a lawn roller. Make sure no air gaps are left between the sod and the ground. If there are air gaps, the sod will be exposed to weeds and sunlight and eventually dry up or die.

Check the Soil After sod Installation

Water and Fertilise

After installation, soak the sod in water to prevent it from drying out. The sod laid near driveways, edges, or sidewalks is more prone to dry out. However, prevent overwater as it may invite disease outbreaks to the newly installed sod.

Select a fertilizer that contains all the required nutrients your soil needs (based on the soil test you did earlier). Phosphorus is the nutrient your sod needs in large amounts at this time. It helps the developing roots grow successfully.

Special Applications

Summer Installation

Sod installation during extremely high temperatures undergoes shocks and turns light green or tan. In this case, water the sod as recommended by the seller, and the color will be restored in 14-21 days.

Winter Installation

Sods installed during winter (after 1st Sep) must be watered throughout the season.  This will help prevent winter kill. If the temperature drops below 25 degrees, water the sod until it moists. This will help insulate the developing roots from freezing.

Need Help In Sod Installation?

Once you install Bermuda sod in your lawn, the next step is to make it thicker, healthier, and free of weeds. However, don’t apply any weed-killer products till you mow it 3-4 times. If white roots begin to grow, it’s time for 1st mowing. If not, wait for a few more days. This waiting time allows the sod to develop deep roots and prevents chemical stress.

Call Us To Schedule Your Sod Installation Today!

All this maintenance is easy and carefree with professional landscapers. Maintaining a new sod, especially for beginners, is not a piece of cake. Slight mistakes can ruin your freshly laid beautiful lawn. To avoid such circumstances, consider contacting our professional for smooth Bermuda sod installation. We would be happy to serve you.

To know more about our service or pricing plan, please contact here.


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